Legal disclaimer

This report provided and information on this website reflects the opinion of the authors and makes no claim to the accuracy and completeness of the information presented despite all care taken. The authors make no guarantee that the content is free from inadvertent error or omissions and accepts no liability for use of or reliance on this document. The report provided and information on this website do not constitute an offer, recommendation or advice. The “Ranking” presented by us also does not include an evaluation of the companies presented as a whole. All Reports are still in beta mode, therefore you can download the Global and Regional Reports for free. If you find or assume errors, please report to, We will do our best to make corrections if needed. Due to changes in the methodology of the GEM ASSAYTM  there is only limited comparability to the 2021 year’s survey.

For the sake of comprehensibility, we may have omitted the trademark information from all information on this website.

cometis AG is legally responsible for the joint venture and the information provided on this website. Therefore, the following legal notice and privacy policy apply.

Legal notice
1. Company information

Service provider:
cometis AG
Headquarters: Unter den Eichen 7, 65195 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 611 20 58 55 0
Fax: +49 611 20 58 55 66

Commercial register: Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 21 270
VAT-ID-number: DE 210 106 986

Board: (responsible within the meaning of the law 18.2 MStV)
Michael Diegelmann und Ariane Hofstetter

2. Liability limitation

The information provided on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and is constantly updated. Despite careful control, we cannot guarantee the absence of errors. We therefore exclude any liability or guarantee with regard to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided on this website. This applies in particular to websites referred to by hyperlink (“external links”). These are external websites over which we have no control. We are also not responsible for the data protection precautions of the operators of such websites.

The information on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice or binding offers, nor is it a basis for an order relationship with us.

3. External Links

This website may contain links to third-party websites (“external links”). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective operators. We are only responsible for this external contents if we have positive knowledge of it (i. e. also of illegal or criminal content) and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent its use.

However, cross-references are always “living” (dynamic) references. We have checked the external content at the time of initial linking to determine whether it might trigger any civil or criminal liability. However, we are not obliged by law to constantly check the content to which we refer in our offer for changes that could give rise to new responsibilities. Only if we establish or are informed by others that a concrete offer to which we have provided a cross-reference triggers civil or criminal liability will we remove the reference to this offer, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable for us. If you encounter content or designs which give cause for complaint or do not reach the indicated address under the link we provide, please inform us by email so that we can check the reference to the link.

4. Legal Information

This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of cometis in contravention of any relevant national law or to exclude them in circumstances where exclusion is not possible under that law.

Your access to any page of this website shall be deemed to constitute your agreement to the foregoing.

5. Copyright and neighboring rights

© cometis AG 2017-2022
All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound and animation as well as their arrangement on this website are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, changed or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some pages also contain images that are subject to the copyright of third parties.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and Section 36 VSBG:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution available at We are neither obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.